Digital Cinema

San Diego Derby Dolls - Jantastic 2017

I'm serveral months late with this post, either way this is the third annual All-Star tournament Jantastic at the Doll House and a major congratulations to My Little Ponies for their third championship win.

Again this year I went and shot for fun on one of the two day event. I've rebuild my pelican based portable desktop for this event and attached a 22" monitor inside the lid. All that was needed was to open the pelican up and plug it in and it's ready to go. Why go through the trouble of a deskptop setup? copying footage over SATA will beat out USB 3 anytime as well as ability to add more powerful graphics card (even tho that was not needed here). Eventually I plan on adding a dedicated RAID with SSDs to get 1GB/s read/write rate, which is what I get on my RAIDed SSDs for my main desktop. 

Part of the reason it took so long to make this post is the video made from the footages ended up being a promo for 2018, which has just officially been announced on The music is like before is from Really Slow Motion, it is really hard to find any other good music to cut to and Really SLow Motion makes it extremely easy.

This is the first time I've ever uploaded a video in 8K resolution, and yes for those who did not know already Youtube supports 8K video streaming! The video was encoded with VP8 from Adobe Premiere, I tried VP9 for couple of the test renders but VP9 takes an insane amount of time to render. The 8K resolution tho was upressed, original footage was captured in 6K only.

In all I shot just under 1TB of footage. I've pulled a number of still snapshots from the footage and included the HD version here. If you want the full resolution image please feel free to contact me through my site's contact form,

Jantastic 2016

on: 31 January 2016

San Diego Derby Dolls - Jantastic 2016

This is the second annual All-Star tournament Jantastic at the Doll House and a major congratulations to My Little Ponies for their second championship win.

Again this year I went and shot for fun on one of the two day event. Before the tournament I created a short promo video for the San Diego Derby Dolls, The music is from Really Slow Motion was actually cleared and license paid for, who was very helpful in the process.  

For this shoot I was shoulder mounted most of the time and rigged up an tethered trigger for recording. With this I could toggle the recording without having to reach up to the camera to press the record button. I also put together a desktop computer inside a pelican case. Since I didn't have the time to integrate a monitor inside the case I used my Surface 2 RT as controled the desktop with remote desktop. Over all worked very well, only exception is that Redcine X couldn't run since opengl was not supported over remote desktop.

In all I shot just under 1TB of footage. I've pulled a number of still snapshots from the footage and included the HD version here. If you want the full resolution image please feel free to contact me through my site's contact form,



Check out the two highlight videos from Jantastic:

Jamtasic Tournament and San Diego Derby Dolls Promo Video

Recently shot Jamtastic Tournament hosted by San Diego Derby Dolls. Finally had a chance (during my 30 day Premiere CC trial:-P) to quickly put a promo video together. Transcoding and exporting took more time than the edit itself. Editing was done natively in Premiere with the original R3Ds. Once the picture was locked, the timeline was exported with FCP XML into Redcine-X. From there the simple grade was applied with two distinct look for the two seperate locations with completely different lighting. Redcine-X's alchemy and film looks were also applied and then exported as tiff sequences to maintain as much qualifty as possible without resorting to the massive size of DPX files. That was taken back into premiere where each R3D was replaced by the tiff clip by clip. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a batch way to do this, exporting an XML from Redcine-X wouldn't have worked since majority of the clips had speed changes applied. 

I started with 1.8TB of footage and by the time I was finished it totaled around 6TB with the transcodes.

The incredibly awesome music is used with permission from Really Slow Motion Music: Iron Poetry - Anarin (Full Mix) -

The final export was to H.264 for youtube 4K, but I upped the bit rate up to 100Mb/s target rate. Check out the youtube in UHD below or at:


Since I Don't have a 4K monitor or Television, I played back my 4k output over 5 monitors hehe. VLC is pretty bad at playing these 4K files so I used Media Player Classic instead.

10958582 10152578005950824 2073672053598862119 n 

There's a lot more photos from other photographers over at the San Diego Derby Doll's Flickr account. It's very easy to see which photos are from other photographers and which are the ones I uploaded:-P




On another note, my Kickstarter for a new timecode slate is going on over at please check it out:-)



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A little about me

profile.largeGeorge Tsai attended California State University, Long Beach and graduated in 2010 with BS in Electrical Engineering, Audio Engineering, and an Entrepreneurship Minor. He is also a United States Marine with combat deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He concluded his service with an honorable discharge as a Sergeant. Today, he freelances in the film industry with his Red Epic-X camera package and production audio equipment. He is also the founder of FUZE Ti.  Read more...

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